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Cover Story


These cotton bowl covers are so practical and pretty enough to use at the table

You will need -

Patterned cotton fabric

Elastic binding tape

Cotton binding (optional)

Elastic (optional)


Sewing machine

Needle and matching thread

To make

Place your bowl upside down on the wrong side of the fabric and draw around the rim, adding a seam allowance of 2.5cm. Cut out

Fold the elastic binding in half along the length and lightly press

Start to stitch the elastic binding around the edge of the circle so the raw edge of the fabric is enclosed, pulling the elastic tight as you go. But the binding, folding over the raw edge at the end by 5mm. Lightly steam the elastic by hovering the iron over it and it will gather up tightly.

Alternatively, stitch regular cotton binding around the fabric, leaving a gap for threading through the elastic. Stitch the two ends of the elastic securely and close the gap neatly.


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